Sunday, November 8, 2015

Our Second Angel

We wanted to share with you, in hopes that you will pray for us, that we lost our second baby last week.

We were not very far along, but try telling that to our hearts.

We are hurting, but we are resting in the truth that we learned through losing our first baby. He has been faithful in that truth and the hope it brings as well as to surround us with amazing, loving friends who have been of great support.

Part of me would like to keep sharing our previous journey and hide behind it. But I don't want to hide this precious life, or our grief. Isn't that what sharing all this has been about? To make others comfortable with the darkness, I cannot hide our own. I will continue to share our journey as we encountered it. I eagerly await for you to join us where we are, although it will be a little bit before we get here.

Please pray for those around us, that God would be able to love us through them and join us in our grief.

Please pray for us as we grieve our babies, as we search for answers regarding our losses, and as we open up our home to children in foster care.

-Michael and Katelyn


  1. Praying for your family as you explore foster care. Life in foster care changed, and probably saved, my life.
    I'm so sorry for the pain you're experiencing, and pray you both will continue to revel in God's truth and love. I know I'm not nearby, but let me know if I can do anything for you or how I can be praying specifically for your family. All my love. <3

    1. Thank you so much, Tina. I can honestly feel the prayers, He is holding me so tightly. I would love if you would pray that God would not let fear hold us as we continue forward. For our future children as they come into our home and need His love, that He would prepare our hearts to meet their needs. <3

  2. Oh sweet girl, you're grief has been such a balm for me as it mirrored my own. Words cannot serve to tell you how I appreciate your story and how you keep turning toward God in whatever way you're able, day by day. I'm devastated for you with this second loss. And am praying for our Creator, our Father, our Protector to give you what only He knows you need. Know you are being prayed for and loved by a sister in Christ.

    1. I don't know you, but knowing you are mourning our babies means so much to me. To know that God is using their stories brings me unspeakable comfort. That, is a beautiful prayer, thank you so much for praying it for me and loving us during this time. It truly makes a difference and demonstrates the love of Christ.

  3. Praying for you both through this time. I know nothing I say will ease your pain. I remember the pain of losing our babies like it was yesterday.

    1. Thank you for your prayers. I am so sorry for your losses as well. A friend said the other day that it never gets better, just different. I think that is a perfect description.

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