Thursday, October 15, 2015

Wave of Light

There is a quote said by one of our pastors, Dave Cover, at The Crossing in regards to Christmas lights. Tonight, as we join many across the nation in lighting a candle for our little ones in heaven, I want to share some parts of that quote with you.

"let those lights shining in the darkness be a sign. Not a sign of tradition. Not a sign of better years gone by. Not a sign of family. Not a sign of memories. the more we think Christmas this life is about family in that way or nostalgia or tradition, the more it will eventually bring us grief and sadness as loss of family is unavoidable in this dark worldPretty soon all our realities will be replaced by memories and nostalgia
let it be a sign to you that no matter how great your darkness is, God has not abandoned you to the darkness"

Our grief may seem unchanging. Our darkness unyielding, but this life is not about family. It is not about me. It is about a savior who conquered death. All death. 

Today we would have been 24 weeks. Instead, tonight we lit a candle in memory of our precious unborn baby and more importantly in recognition of a God who does not abandon us to the darkness; of a God who came into the darkness that we may spend eternity in the light with Him. 

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