Sunday, June 16, 2013

Ten reasons why my dad is the best

1. When I was little my mom or dad would lay down and sing me to sleep each night.  My daddy would always sing me Blue Skies, or the theme song to the Beverly Hillbillies.

2. I cut the tip of my pinky finger off in a folding chair when I was four years old.  I suppose I had an attitude problem on the way home from the hospital late that night. I remember telling dad that he couldn't spank me because my pinky was hurt.  This statement was not true. I'm thankful for his consistent discipline, I was raised with a healthy fear of my father that transformed into respect.

3. I learned to drive through the instruction of two very different teachers. My mom was slightly more cautious, never allowing me to park the car in the garage on my own.  My dad however made me, even though his presence is slightly unnerving.  He said, "You are never going to learn if you don't do it." Although, I did back his truck into the garage door once and never told him. (Surprise Dad!)

4. An ice storm knocked out power to our small community when I was in high school. For the four days the power was out at our house we all slept in the living room together.  Our fireplace was powered by a gas generator.  Dad woke up every couple of hours throughout the night to refill the generator and keep his family warm.  He is an amazing provider.

5. Compliments from my dad are usually followed by "now don't get a big head". Parental bragging has always been my mom's forte, I would never expect it from my dad.  When my dad tells me he is proud of me, it truly means the world.

6. I took my first motorcycle trip with my dad when I was 10 years old to Colorado. Since then we have traveled through more than 20 states and made a lot of memories. On my graduation trip to California we stayed at a Marriott where he made coffee with a Bunsen burner on the patio.  We still laugh at the smug looks and comments we received! I will always cherish these times with my dad.

7.  When my heart was broken in high school, my dad asked me to be his Valentine and sent me a dozen roses.  Every year without fail he asks me to be his Valentine.  Forever.

8. I have witnessed the heart break of disappointment on my dad's face too many times to count.  But more than that, I have seen him reply to these situations with unconditional love and encouragement. This faith and love is to be admired.

9. My first few months at Mizzou were really hard on me.  They moved me into the dorms, the goodbyes made me a crying mess and I was home after four days.  During that first semester I called my dad crying multiple times.  I begged to transfer home.  I can't imagine how hard it was for him to tell me no. In less than a year I will be graduating and beginning my career in a field I am undeniably passionate about. I am so thankful for his resolve.

10. The hardest part about getting married was feeling like I would no longer be my daddy's little girl.  I have learned I will never be too big to sit on my daddy's lap or follow him around on his day off. I'll always be a daddy's girl.

Happy Father's Day Daddy
I love you so much!

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